‘Reclaim, Restore, Revolutionise’ - National Student Archaeology Conference 2023
📍Australian National University (2022)
📅September 2022
This annual conference provides students from around Australia an opportunity to discuss their archaeological research they have completed as part of an undergraduate or postgraduate degree. Presenting both a poster, and a 20-minute talk, this was a great platform to not only showcase my research as part of the Found a Fossil project, but help other students explore the many opportunities available to archaeology students - from fieldwork, to science communication, travel, and community engagement.
The talk I presented was awarded the Comber Consultants Award for Best Paper Emodying the Theme 'Reclaim, Restore, Revolutionise'.
Talk Details:
Title: The Found a Fossil project: Encouraging engagement and supporting stewardship through accessible platforms
Encouraging the general public to care about archaeology and the protection of heritage is key to the survival of the discipline into the future. However, many publications are aimed at academics that specialise in this field and can often be inaccessible to a non-specialist audience. Exploring alternate methods of communication that can be more engaging and accessible to the wider public will not only increase understanding of the importance of archaeological material but will also encourage public involvement in the protection and celebration of heritage. By including the perceptions and opinions of the public in heritage research, we can create innovative and targeted communication and engagement strategies that cater to the communities whose heritage we may be exploring.